Fall is one of the best times to fish in Kamloops. The leaves are turning, the temperatures have relaxed, and trout in every water body in the region are feeding to prepare themselves for the long winter ahead.

Fall Fly Fishing
Whether you prefer cruising the lake or wandering the banks of a freestone river, Kamloops will not disappoint you with its incredible opportunities for the dedicated angler.
Keep in mind that to fish in the region, you must obtain a BC freshwater fishing license. There are also specific regulations in place for the benefit of all anglers.
Still Water Fishing

Fly Fishing
There are hundreds of different lakes within 50 kilometres of Kamloops – all containing beautiful rainbow trout stocked annually by the Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC.
Fish stocking reports can be found here: https://www.gofishbc.com/Stocked-Fish.aspx
During the fall months, trout recognize the cooling water temperatures as a sign to start feeding heavily before ice on occurs, which is usually early December. These fish will move into shallower areas of the lakes where most of the available insect life and feed can be found – sometimes in less than 3 feet of water – making for some incredible sight-fishing opportunities. Larger flies, such as leech imitations, and dragonfly nymphs are effective in the fall, as trout are looking for bigger meals to help fatten them up before the lakes become covered in ice and insect activity decreases dramatically. Air temperatures can be in the negatives as late November approaches; however, these days can be the most memorable! The colder weather combined with hunting season make the waterways less busy in the fall than in the spring.

Fall Fly Fishing
While fishing the still waters is a great way to let the fishing season unwind, walking the riverbanks can also prove fruitful. Success can be regular, as trout will follow the salmon to their spawning grounds to gorge on their eggs; once the spawn is over, the trout will migrate back to their overwintering areas, such as Shuswap or Kamloops Lake to spend the long, cold winter ahead. As fall turns to winter, the trout become more difficult to find, making the catch far more rewarding. Again, before you head out, you must become fluent in the fishing regulations in the areas you’re visiting. Most trout streams are catch and release; it is important to take care when handling these fish so we can enjoy angling well into the future.

Fishing date
Once the negative temperatures hit, and you become more reluctant to hit the river, start planning trips for spring: to familiar waters and new ones. The fall fishing season is short but memorable, and those who dedicate their time to exploring it will be rewarded with some incredible fishing in the Kamloops area. Now onto ice fishing season!