BC Lions Took Up the Challenge to be Boldly Unscripted - [thought it was just another day at training camp]

Each year, Kamloops becomes a second home for the BC Lions football club during their annual training camp in May/June.  Our Kamera Krew took the opportunity to have a little fun with a few Lions and  challenged them to be Boldly Unscripted!

We met up with Adekolu, Johnson, Arakgi and Lumbala at the Tournament Capital Centre for some “unscripted” fun.  Who doesn’t love a little competition…even if it’s for the championship for best canon ball, synchronized swimming and waterslide ballet!  We had so much fun spending the morning with the BC Lions - they truly embraced being "boldly unscripted"...

Can’t wait for next year boys – thanks for playing with us!

#yka360  #explorekamloops  #WeAreTheLions  #PrideLivesHere