In late May, the Tourism Kamloops team attended the Rendez-Vous Canada (RVC) 2024 conference in Edmonton. The event was a week packed with energy as over 1,500 attendees, including approximately 500 buyers from around the globe, gathered to explore and expand the horizons of Canadian tourism.

Highlights from RVC 2024

One of our biggest takeaways from the conference was the incredible optimism among operators for 2025. Many are already witnessing early bookings, a promising sign of the travel boom expected in the coming years. The lively atmosphere of Edmonton and international network were both a perfect backdrop for networking and forging new connections – even more so with the Canucks vs. Oilers series taking place while we were there.

A highlight for our team was the pre-familiarization (pre-fam) tour of Kamloops by over 50 tour operators who traveled on the Rocky Mountaineer. While they stayed in town, they had the opportunity to catch a stunning display of the Northern Lights in Riverside Park. The awe and amazement they expressed in subsequent meetings underscored the exceptional experiences Kamloops has to offer.

Key Takeaways for Tourism Kamloops

Despite the successes, the conference also highlighted areas for growth and improvement. A recurring theme in discussions was the need for more comprehensive training for tour operators and travel agencies. Ensuring these key players are well-educated about our city’s unique offerings will be crucial in maximizing the appeal to international travelers.

We’re committed to developing strategic initiatives aimed at enhancing the knowledge and expertise of these partners. By equipping them with the right information and tools, we can ensure that Kamloops is not just a stopover but a destination that entices travelers to stay longer and explore more.

Looking Ahead: The Benefits of RVC for Kamloops

We’ll see the true impact of the conference in the coming years, particularly in 2025, when the groundwork laid at the conference begins to bear fruit. Our immediate focus is on encouraging tour operators to expand their offerings, integrating more Kamloops-based experiences into their itineraries.

This strategic push is driven by the belief that increased awareness of Kamloops' diverse attractions will naturally lead to longer stays and higher visitor engagement. By emphasizing training and education, Tourism Kamloops aims to ensure that international travelers recognize the full spectrum of activities and sights available in the region.

Overall, RVC 2024 was an incredible platform for inspiration, learning, and forging valuable connections. The positive feedback and enthusiasm from tour operators about Kamloops reaffirm our commitment to promoting our region as a premier travel destination. As we move forward, the insights gained and the relationships built at RVC will guide our efforts to elevate Kamloops on the global tourism map.