Tourism Kamloops 2022 Economic Impact Reporting Demonstrates a Return to Record-Breaking Pre-Pandemic Visitation, welcoming 1,956,900 visitors.

For Immediate Release 

July 6, 2023 Kamloops, British Columbia – Tourism Kamloops has confirmed 2022 tourism industry economic impact data. The data was collected and analyzed by Larose Research & Strategy with support from Pacific Analytics Inc. and Destination BC.

The impact of tourism in Kamloops remains positive and consumer demand for travel has returned to pre-pandemic levels in 2022.

  • For the calendar year 2022, Kamloops welcomed an estimated 1,956,900 visitors, making it one of the most popular tourism destinations in British Columbia. This includes approximately 830,000 overnight visitors in commercial accommodations, and 870,000 day visitors.
  • The estimated 1,956,900 travellers to Kamloops in 2022 directly spent $310 million in the community, with nearly three-quarters (74%) of revenues being attributed to travellers staying in commercial accommodations.
  • In 2022,tourism in Kamloops produced $522 million in total economic impacts for the B.C. economy.
  • In 2022, tourism in Kamloops resulted in $81 million in taxation (municipal, provincial, and federal).
  • In 2022, tourism in Kamloops employed 2,800 people.

“These numbers confirm what we felt last year - demand for travel to Kamloops was strong and came back in a big way. 2022 was truly our year for tourism business recovery. And most notably, this was evident with the return of signature and annual events,” explains Monica Dickinson, CEO, Tourism Kamloops. “While our industry felt optimistic that the strong numbers signaled a transition from recovery after the pandemic, we need to remain diligent in our marketing, development, and advocacy efforts.” 

Tourism Kamloops highlights that most data points acknowledge the destination has returned to pre-pandemic record-numbers. And, as peak summer months begin, Tourism Kamloops continues to prioritize business resilience. “We know that early season indicators for 2023 show a softening in bookings and visitation compared to the same period in 2022. We also carefully monitor the effects of rising gas prices, inflation, potential environmental factors, and the positioning of other destinations to ensure Kamloops remains a priority destination for our target markets.”

This economic impact data forms the foundation for communicating the “Value of Tourism” for the destination. Telling stories and highlighting real tourism impacts and issues drives advocacy to all levels of government and demonstrates a collaborative and dedicated commitment to the health and resilience of our tourism industry in Kamloops.

The 2022 economic impact reporting is part of a larger data-driven strategy being implemented by Tourism Kamloops. The “Value of Tourism” campaign will help uncover the meaning behind the numbers and further explain the impact and importance of consistent non-resident dollars being spent in the community. It also places a focus on ongoing research.

Economic impact data is an important benchmark for industry performance and allows Tourism Kamloops, along with aligned stakeholders, to develop strategic plans and outlooks for industry growth and expansion.

Tourism Kamloops will be presenting this data in upcoming speaking engagements, releasing it in communications to stakeholders and the community, and providing data highlights on its LinkedIn channel moving forward.



About Tourism Kamloops

Tourism Kamloops leads strategic destination marketing, partners, and collaborates with stakeholders, and supports development to promote Kamloops as a distinct and desirable tourism destination. Their goal is to increase tourism revenues through the delivery of innovative, results-based marketing strategies.

Learn more about Tourism Kamloops:


Media Contact:

Christina Pilarski, Tourism Kamloops Media Liaison
CIPR Communications
P: 403-836-8249