Riverside Park

New Parallel Studios

Partner Tools & Engagement

Our Stakeholder Relations Team is dedicated to keeping our partners closely connected to Kamloops’ dynamic tourism sector. Our proactive community engagement plan serves as the storyteller of Kamloops' vibrant tourism narrative. This plan is an avenue for identifying training and networking opportunities and sharing events, immersive tours, best practices, and other valuable industry insights. This collaborative approach bolsters business development and elevates the overall visitor experience, ensuring that Kamloops remains a must-visit destination.


Opportunities and Resources

Let's join forces to share the Kamloops story. Get involved with our many programs and opportunities for collaboration.

BOLD Dashboard

The hub for website listings, RFP response and more...

Learn More about BOLD Dashboard

Tourism Kamloops Media Hub

Connecting you to assets through our Crowdriff Media Hub

Learn More about Tourism Kamloops Media Hub

Industry Newsletter

Sign Up to receive monthly ENewsletters with all the TK latest

Learn More about Industry Newsletter
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